Star of the Sea by Joseph O’Connor – May 2011

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May 122011

The last book we read was Star of the Sea by Joseph O’Connor.  We all agreed this was a magnificent novel. It is set on a boat called ‘The Star of the Sea’ during the Irish famine taking mainly immigrants from Ireland to America. 

Whether driven by the horrors of hunger to commit horrors or to preserve political dominance, each character arouses sympathy and compassion. 

To say any more will give the plot away and I do not want to spoil a good read for any-one. 

The next book we will read is Behind the Scenes at the Museum by Kate Atkinson. 

We will meet at the Drum and Monkey on Thursday 21st July 7.30pm 

If you would like to come and discuss just one book you fancy but not commit to the book group you will be very welcome.

 Posted by at 2:55 pm