Safety Alert from Yatton Schools

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Dec 052013

05 Dec 2013
Yatton C of E Junior School

Dear Parents,

I am writing to communicate that there have been two incidents in the last two days of a man in silver van trying to gain the attention of two year 6 girls in the village. Last Monday PCSO Kate Turner did an assembly in both schools about Stranger Danger. I am pleased to say that both girls used this advice and kept themselves safe, I have repeated it to the Junior School today. I would like you to know that the police are fully informed. I would advise that parents remain vigilant when on the school run and if your child comes to school independently make sure that they walk in a groups and get home when you expect them. Staff will also be vigilant at the beginning and end of the school day and I have asked our PCSO when available to be around too. Working together will help maintain the safety of all our children. Thank you.

Jo Keeble

Ref 49363989 

 Posted by at 6:03 pm

Old Kennites Annual Christmas Reunion

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Dec 042013

The Old Kennites Annual Reunion went off, as usual, exactly as planned.  Everyone seemed to have a lovely time, even those singing the right carol to the wrong tune.  It was great fun!

 Posted by at 7:07 pm

Road Improvements B3133 Kenn and Yatton

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Dec 032013

Yatton and Kenn roadworks

As part of North Somerset Council’s commitment to invest in roads Yatton and Kenn will see £750,000 worth of improvements along the B3133.

Planned road closures

Details of planned road closures related to the improvements will be published here as soon as the programme is finalised.

Because of the nature of the engineering work, and the impact of weather on the work, these may change so please check this page regularly for the most up-to-date details.

Details of the scheme

The resurfacing scheme covers Yatton High Street from the mini-roundabout with Wemberham Lane to Henley Lane and a section of North End Road from the recreation field to Ham Lane, covering the junction with Lampley Road near the Bridge Inn pub.

There will be improvements to footpaths, drainage, kerbing and signage, as well as new parking arrangements along the High Street.

Yatton Parish Council has funded a new zebra crossing which is being built near Barberry Farm Road.

For more information download our Yatton High Street roadworks map one (jpg) and our Yatton High Street roadworks map two (jpg).

Construction will start in mid-January and will involve reducing the road down to one lane in some sections. Resurfacing will have to be done using overnight road closures as it is not safe to keep the road open while laying the hot asphalt. Details of closures will be publicised on this page. Work is due to be finished by Easter.

We are committed to investing in roads and this work is part of a programme of improvements across the district.

The B3133 is a vital link and residents have asked for the road to be resurfaced because of its poor condition.

Resurfacing is the most cost-effective way of managing roads because it extends the life of the road, rather than short-term reactive patching and pothole filling.

– See more at:

 Posted by at 7:03 pm